Friday, December 18, 2009

Nathan Saves the Pageant!

After Nathan did an outstanding job welcoming everyone, David and I sat in the pew looking at each other every chance we could- elated at seeing him up there and very, very proud.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I see this extra furry halo bouncing up to the pulpit (boing, boing, boing). Suddenly, there stands Nathan next to Cooper and he starts reading. I don't mean 3 lines, I mean reading. I found myself thinking...uh-oh, we didn't practice this at home. Someone must've gotten scared. Then he sat down again, and I thought to myself, great job Nathan.
Then as I'm sitting there, what do I see again? Boing, boing, boing comes the bouncing halo and Nathan's at the pulpit reading again. This time he read for quite awhile and busts out with "they brought him sweet-smelling frankincense and myrhh...." Sweet-smelling frankincense and myrhh! I don't when it was that I could read that so easily and without practice, but it wasn't 1st grade. He was amazing. He loved being up there in front of everyone, he loved rising to the occasion, he loved giving his gift to Jesus.
Okay, I will stop gushing--but you kind of knew this would happen when you blogged in;) To be a little more fair-and-balanced, the pageant didn't need "saving" and I will post an excerpt from an email our friend forwarded on to us from Nathan's teacher regarding the pageant. No one got scared, just had to stay home due to illness:( Poor babies, they practiced so much.
~Oh, my, how we missed you at the First Grade Christmas Pageant!Guess what, though? Nathan Babby stood in for you, and he did a fine job reading your part--on such short notice, too! He and I rehearsed your reading part in the classroom, and he was ready to go! It was lucky for us that hehappened to be sitting right by the microphone so when someone came up without a buddy, Nathan hopped up to read the part. He also substituted for Aaron who was sick, too. I bet Nathan had no idea that he would have not one, but three reading parts when he woke up today!~
At the party afterwards his other teacher said to me smiling, "See this is when that voice works for him!" Well done Nathan. We're very proud of you! XOXO


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