Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baby's 1st and last (I hope) Cast

So, who was it that said, "Girls are less rambuncious."? I'd like to argue that point. Just kidding. It's the most ridiculous thing. We had just gotten home from the sonogram, excited to show the kids pictures of "their" baby (nope, we didn't find out, it's a surprise) when our babysitter told us about how Patsy had just tripped/slipped down a stair. She was holding her hand, but Patsy has been doing this slip-hop manuver and sure enough she landed on it wrong. Long story short, she had to have a cast for a week because no 2 year old in the world will be compliant with a splint. X-ray looked great, no swelling (we did ice it for quite awhile) but when it came to weight bearing, she cried--poor baby. So, she had a pink cast for a week. At least her favorite color was an option.
This is the second time, while pregnant, I've had a 2 year old in a cast for what seemed to be a minor little accident. Nathan had a long arm cast for a week (buckle fracture to R. thumb) right before Brandon was born. He was doing the dangerous act of crawling in a bounce house. CRAWLING. He wasn't even jumping! There wasn't anyone jumping, he just rolled on it wrong...???? Drives me nuts! Oh well, as long as it's nothing serious or irreversible, I'll continue to count my blessings:) Thank you God.


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