Wednesday, December 02, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

Well it finally happend...Nathan lost his first tooth! I remember vividly the day it was first discovered to be loose. First I'll give you some history on the subject. Nathan has been asking me for about a year, if not longer, when he was going to have a loose tooth. He had heard stories of grandeur about teeth falling out and the tooth fairy coming to collect the goods while leaving money or prizes behind. Needless to say, he's been waiting for this to happen to him and getting a bit impatient. I told him, "Sweetie pie, your father and I were both late bloomers, so it's likely you'll be one too. Don't worry, I promise your teeth will fall out. If not now, in old age." He didn't like that answer.
Now fast-forward to present time. October 18th to be exact. Nathan and I were sitting on the floor in my bedroom and he was telling me about something (I don't remember what), and I noticed his bottom teeth looked crooked. He's always had straight teeth and then I realized what was happening...he had a loose tooth. I gasped, then zoomed in close to his mouth while grabbing his chin. He got this little grin on his face and kept saying, "What, what?"
Mommy: I can't believe it!
Nathan: What?
Mommy: (a little louder with more enthusiasm than disbelief) I CAN"T believe it!!!
Nathan: (smiling while a bubble thought popped over his head saying, "She can't know.") WHAT???
Mommy: (big smile and almost whispering) You have a loose tooth.
Nathan: (Buries his head into my lap and hugging my legs) No I don't.
Mommy: (enthusiastically patting/rubbing/tickling/hugging his back) Yes you do, yes you do--oh my gosh...Nathan, I'm so happy for you!!!!
Nathan: (looking up occasionally from hiding his face and smiling from ear-to-ear) I do not. How do you know that?
Mommy: Oh...well...I mean...I'm calling Daddy. C'mon, let's call him.
Nathan: (leaps up and goes into hiding behind our bed--we have a big sleigh bed that leaves a small space/gap in between the wall and bed and the kids run there to get away from us/hide from us, etc.) No, don't call him. Don't call him.
Mommy: Oh we have to call him. He's going to be so excited, we have to call.
Nathan: Don't call him.
This went on for awhile.
When David got home, I gave him a secret clue of what was going on in his son's mouth. Of course, he made a big deal over it as well. So we went into loose-tooth-watch mode-- placing bets, on-line pools, etc. Just kidding. His response totally shocks us because he's been looking forward to this since early kindergarten. You just never know...


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