Saturday, September 25, 2010


We leave at 0400 hours tomorrow for a surprise family vaca! Yipee! Can you guess where? We'll give you a couple of hints. The first time (seen here) there were four of us (plus Patsy who was just one month shy of joining us on the outside); the second time, five of us; and then, there were...SIX! Oh my, this is going to be interesting:) We'll let you know how it goes, and can't wait to get the announcement to the kids documented on the flip.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back to School Night

Patsy enjoys the slide at her back to school night.

Ballerina Girl

Patsy has started ballet school, officially. In Mommy's School of Ballet, she learned 1st-5th positions, which she promptly forgot. So, likely the real teacher, will do a better job! She is wearing the same "uniform" that I had to wear (sans the skirt). Black leotard, pink tights and pink ballet shoes (sadly, we didn't get to wear skirts-unless it was part of a costume for a performance). Patsy is the only one with a black leotard, everyone else has pink. Except for the instructor, who also wears black. This detail I pointed out to her when she was asking about a pink leotard:)
I'm happy to report she absolutely loves it, and is very good I must say! So, now that we know she's taking to it, maybe Santa will bring her some more gear and she can vary her outfits a bit.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Boys will be Boys...

... and so will our little girl! The boys had their buddy over for a playdate and all the kids couldn't get enough of him (even Amanda was all smiles). David brought home this tutu you see here in honor of dance starting up, and Patsy can't get enough of it! Often she'll disappear and then come down wearing it, at at any given time of day. Today, I told her to go put a shirt on and she came down wearing her swim suit (which has tulle on it) and had the tutu in her hand. After I helped her with her "shirt," I told her the suit bottoms wouldn't show and wear some leggings instead. She flipped out and definitely made it clear that it was part of the, tulle fashion statement;) Well, I stand corrected. After she put the skirt on, she was pulling out the little tulle flaps connected to the bathing suit over the skirt...layering. It looked so cute! I'm so impressed with my little Patsy girl. Now, as far as leaving the boys alone to play--not a chance! Tulle or no tulle, she will keep up.


Patsy makes sure sissy has a tutu too!

Friday, September 03, 2010

Hanging out with Amanda Grace
