Monday, July 26, 2010

Day Dreaming

After we gave Amanda a bath she was off in la-la land (milk drunk) and was just staring off into space. The boys mentioned she would do well in a staring contest.

Tennis Camp

Brandon's excited for tennis to start and can't wait to use his new racket-compliments of our dear friend and personal tennis pro, Jen. Thank you Auntie Jen!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sleeping Like a Baby

She's a good little sleeper, going longer and longer at night.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Swim Team

Here they are waiting for the mini-meet to start. I put Brandon into Nathan's "swim team" even though he wasn't quite ready for it. I thought, he'll catch up AND it's a same time, same place scenario...we LOVE those scenarios;) Anyway, they swam 4 days a week and after 2 weeks would end the session with a swim meet. Brandon did 2 sessions and advanced significantly.


Getting better (and safer) by the day!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Smiley Face

Amanda smiles all the time these days:)