Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm six weeks old!!!

Amanda is doing great and is definitely on the petite side compared to the rest of our kiddos...I'm not complaining! I'm trying to extend this baby period as long as possible-without holding her back, of course. My pediatrician (I mean her pediatrician), asked me about tummy time. I just smiled and said, "yes, she's on her tummy molded to my chest, all the time:)." He gave me that look. So, I guess we'll be doing tummy time quite soon here. Isn't it funny? With the first child, we were all about beating the averages, making sure he was ahead of the game etc, etc. With all the rest, we know they're going to walk, talk, etc. So, we're just enjoying every minute of it!

Friday, June 04, 2010

The Greats!

Amanda enjoys the arms of her great-aunties! She met my dad's sisters and my FAVORITE aunties, Auntie Marianne, Auntie Theresa, and Auntie Dolores (who couldn't put her down--which freed me up to chase others;) at baby Timmy's baptism.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Table Manners

Okay little miss, you know the rules about not playing with your food. However, I believe she was enjoying belgian waffles with berries and whip cream so...we're just going to turn a blind eye;) I mean really, who could resist mopping up every last drop?