Thursday, August 20, 2009

1st Grade

Here he is, the big boy who'll be in school all day now. That will take some getting used to. He loves his class (although misses some of his K buddies that are in the other class) and we're looking forward to a fabulous year! Aren't they little angels...of course, it's only the first day;-)

Friday, August 07, 2009

Lil' Fashionista

Patsy actually picked this outfit out herself! We went into her closet to get dressed and she points and grunts at what she wants to wear. Although, she will say "boots" (pronounced "boos, boos")...a girl after my own heart. We'll see how long the headband lasts.

Temper Tantrum

So the little fashionista is having a bit of a moment. This is what she does when she doesn't get her way, at least it seems that way a lot lately. She goes over to a wall, dresser, etc. puts her face against it and usually bites the wall. ????. We all just stare at her looking perplexed. Fortunately, it's always an inanimate object, or that biting thing would last 2 seconds around here. Hmm, the boys never did this. Always interesting, the differences.