Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thank you Auntie K.K.!!!

Auntie K.K. was sooo nice to fly out and take care of these munchkins while David and I got a 4 day weekend in wine country! Yes, we do know how lucky we are:-) Thank you Auntie K.K., YOU'RE THE BEST EVER!!!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We took a roadtrip to the heartland see Grammy and Poppy for the 4th! Luckily we coordinated it with David's brother Bill (and family) so we could all see each other. It was so much fun and the boys have not stopped talking about their cousins and of course are asking when we're going to visit them again:)


Look at all those boys. Don't worry Patsy, there will be another little princess joining the Babby royal court soon!

Up for a neat story? My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are on their 4th preganancy (a nice little surprise) and due this October. As you can see they have 3 handsome and very smart boys and were told by the ultrasound tech. that they were having another boy. About 6 weeks later the doctor said, "I don't know why they told you it was a boy, it's defiitely a girl." WOW! So we thought Patsy would have it bad with 2 big brothers always looking out for her, that little Babby girl will be in college before she ever makes it to a dance. Surveillance-OOPS, I mean big brothers, it's a wonderful thing.

Eight Fine Men

Here they are, the creme de la creme of the Oglala Sioux tribe after watching fireworks from the backyard. Bill and Donovan schooled me on the family heritage and quite a bit of Native American history. Actually, we learned some interesting naval history as well. My father-in-law is a retired Captain who was a pilot in the Navy and flew planes on and off aircraft carriers. Some great war heros in the lineage, but I don't remember their names (oops) so... I'm going to get back to you on that;) How quickly they forget!

Big Hug

Patsy is quite the little cuddle-bug.


Thank you for having us! We LOVE you Grammy & Poppy!!!