A Night at the Auction
Date night was a step up for David and me this time. Nathan's school does a lovely auction every year. It was so impressive and lots of fun! I volunteered on the invitation committee so I heard about past years', so we went prepared to bid. Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it;) we were outbid on everything we wanted. So, David has a plan for next year already. The really wonderful thing is that the auction raised close to 330K for the school-WOW, especially in this economy. It's such an outstanding school, I'm so thankful we chose it (and so is Nathan).
Morning Kindergarten
Nathan's kindergarten class just "flipped-flopped" taking the afternoon class and puting them into the morning slot and vice-versa. I was pretty fond of our schedule before, but I'm happy we started the year in the afternoon class. The afternoon kids are walked into the class whereas in the morning, kids are dropped off directly from the carpool lane. So as a "new family" to the school it provided time for the parents to chit-chat and get to know one another. An upside to the morning schedule is that the kids attend mass with the rest of the school. They will go every Friday during lent and parents can attend and sit with their child and the rest of the class. So, this is likely what I'll be doing Friday mornings during lent--Nathan has it all planned out.
Can you believe she kept a bow in her hair for 5 whole minutes? That's a record! Patsy loves bows, but she needs to see and feel them in her hand to think that she's wearing it. I've put her in front of the mirror to show her she has the bow in her hair, but she just smiles and reaches up and grabs it--and then starts talking to it.