Thursday, May 29, 2008

Follow the Leader

A great leader...

also follows.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Little Princess

She pretty much has us all under her spell. But she's so easy it's hard not to put her where she belongs...right on a pedestal. I think God wires the third one knowing she/he will need to just go with the flow and she does with a smile:-)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Grammy & Poppy

We loved your visit...come back soon!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yoga Position

Patsy shows off her flexibility to Grandma and me. Her favorite snack is her toes! She must have teeth ready to come through because the drool just keeps coming. Her poor chin.

Monday, May 05, 2008

6 Months old!

She is growing, growing everyday. She is very long and lean for her age. Her pediatrician says now is when we see genetics take over. The first 6 months is sort of random. After 6 months she'll slow down if she's taking after me or she'll continue elongating if she's taking after David. Hey, I do have height on my side; I just didn't get any of it! I told the kids, "I married a tall man who can tan; it was your job to take height and melanin at the check-out counter in heaven." No, no genetic breeding going on in San Francisco in the late 90's. Hmm, he's very nice and chivalrous, now what would our kids look like? I think I chose wisely. I mean, just look at our kids;)
Oh come on, you knew it was shameless bragging when you blogged in:)

The Boys & Baby Sister

I think she's looking like Brandon. Nathan will refute this.