Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas

Santa made it to the Babby home! The boys are going to be over the moon!!

The Bicycle


Oh My!

Santa has outdone himself!


He's got wheels now, watch out!

Let the Games Begin

Here they are... send the paper flying boys! We've been waiting all month for this:-)

B. Boy

B. Boy is starting to look a little overwhelmed. So, we may end up doing this in phases again. Two years ago it took Nathan a month to open his gifts...he would get tired, as if it was a job. So we cut way back last year, but my family didn't, so some of the gifts under the tree were literally still wrapped from last year. Nathan is loving every minute of the gift opening, but I think a breakfast break is in order very soon.

Something for Daddy

"Oh, another vest... perfect. Thanks honey!"

"Anytime love."

More Bows

They're still going strong! It think untying all the bows serves as a mind game, sort of like the Rubik's Cube. Now it's worth it! Santa and his elves do their best to stimulate both sides of the brain:-)


Brandon loves dinosaurs and actually got up from the heap to show Daddy! Daddy, however, is enjoying his new chair and hasn't gotten up yet! So I think it's a keeper.

Here We Go...

Brandon has already started "borrowing" his brother's bike. Hmm, I wonder if Nathan's trike (now Brandon's) will still have its appeal?


Na-na helps himself to Bradon's always tastes better from someone else's plate.

Stocking Time

Nathan was surprised to see Santa had left some goodies in the stockings as well!


The boys loved the Thomas train that Grammy & Poppy sent. They found it in front of the children's tree after breakfast and B. Boy wouldn't get out!

Big Smile

Nathan discovers some more gifts way behind the tree. I wonder what could they be?


Spiderman snowboots! Wow, besides the bike and train these were the hit of the day. Both boys wore their boots around the house and twice Brandon has insisted on going down for a nap with boots on (luckily they had not been worn outside yet).

Cool Guy

All day Nathan was riding his bike (inside at first with only a couple of minor crashes) and once we got the house cleaned up outside. He loves it and seems to be a natural, making Daddy quite proud. Watch out Downieville, generation #2 is preparing!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Eve

Here they are, all dressed up for Christmas mass. Actually, we're just getting home in this shot and anxious to dive into our plans for the evening! The boys did great at mass...for the first 7 minutes! Fortunately, most of the other parents were in the same boat and they all LOOKED like little angels in their Christmas clothes!

Let the Good Times Roll

Nathan practices his technique as the big day is now just hours away! Sharon & Andrew gave us this darling gingerbread house kit. Thanks you two!

Christmas on Peggy Lane

Nathan is intrigued by a pic of Mommy & Santa a LONG time ago (it made the cover of the newspaper when I was just about his age). He keeps asking me questions about him...since we were on the cover of the Argus Courier together, I must know him well. Hmm, possibly a last ditch effort to do "nice" things to impress him as he leaves the North Pole to make the rounds.

Project Gingerbread House

The "Babby Builders" have broken ground (actually, one gingerbread roof top--glued back together with frosting) and are doing a fine job on their 1st gingerbread project. Nathan hasn't left the site (too much candy-I mean decor- to watch over) and Brandon seems to have taken on the role of PM..."you're doing a great job brother, keep it up."
It seems they're building it for me! I came back to the table after a brief absence and they were whispering to one another. Then Nathan looked at me and with much enthusiasm said, "Mommy we're making this for you!" I tell ya, there is nothing like 2 good little boys!:-)

Permit Please!

The boys get the okay that the structural integrity of the house is in tact and we're good to start decorating...the fun (and yummy) part! Nathan is keeping me abreast of all the developments of "my house." I tried to explain it was "our house," all of us, but he insisted "Brandon and I are building it for you mom... okay?" Aren't they sweeeet:-)

Just for Santa

Made with much love from Santa's FAVORITE little boys:-)

Future Developers?

Here's Mommy's home... gingerbread style! Funny, once the structural work was done, windows placed, etc. they felt their work was done. They left the rest of decorating up to me...and since Santa was due in a few hours, this is how it stayed! We'll do wreaths on it next year;-)


We did our traditional, one gift on Christmas Eve (just to wet the appetite a bit)! They loved it and Brandon really got into it this year...I think Nathan opened his last year. Every year they get a new ornament to place on the tree and...

Matching PJ's

So warm and cozy... and festive;-)

The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney with Care

and the countdown for St. Nicholas has begun!

T'was the Night Before Christmas

Mommy reads the boys the usual Christmas Eve classic (a few times). Nathan is giving us his editorial (he's so excited) while Brandon is silently plotting his quest for those gingerbread cookies just a few feet away.


B. Boy managed to sneak a wee bite of the gingerbread cookie he decorated for Santa! He just wanted to make sure it wasn't poison--we wouldn't want Santa to get sick with so much to do this Christmas Eve:-) Brandon's defense..."uh-oh" while pointing at the cookie.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Polar Express

We took the boys on a surprise adventure on "The Polar Express." It's a good old fashion Southern Pacific train that decks each car to the nines for Christmas...inside and out. We rode round trip from Sunol to Niles Canyon just days before Christmas. The boys loved it!!

Time for Hot Chocolate!

What's the Polar Express without hot chocolate? Plus we were on an outside car so it definitely hit the spot!

Santa Claus

Santa came through in his engineer gear and treated all the children to candy canes!

Brandon's Turn

Again, Mommy has to play liaison so Brandon can receive his treat (and I can get my pic). Anytime Brandon sees Santa Claus or a picture of, he says "ho, ho, ho" (phonetically speaking, HA, ho, ho). He loves him until he's within reach, then... not so much!

A New Tradition?

I think so!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Babby Boy's Annual Christmas Party

The boys hosted their annual party and since they've been so good, Santa made a special trip to see them and their friends. The children were hysterical with their reactions to Santa and one another. It's unclear who enjoyed it more, the parents or kids? A good time was had by all!

Welcome to our Home!

The Babby Boys were all dressed up for the occasion and loved answering the door! Brandon is sporting his balck velvet psuedo tuxedo with Christmas plaid bow tie (you may remember this from last year's party, worn by the big brother). Nathan is sporting new threads that almost match but with an argile flair. Nathan's bow tie? Well, we're still looking for it! Amazing how these things disappear at the very last minute.
Oh well, they were the perfect hosts...sans one bow tie:-)

Little Buddies

Luckily, Nathan's favorite buddy lives next door. How convenient!

The Children's Tree of Christmas Past

Brandon sees their horsie a little differently, all dressed up in front of the children's tree. It's like a new toy. The boys love the children's tree, as it was Daddy's Christmas tree when he was a little boy. Our first Christmas as a married couple, we had just bought our first home and I was weeks away from delivering Nathan. Since we were still in boxes, with a serious sense of urgency, I thought we would forego a tree and have a large pointsetta or something...I know very unlike me, but I had a baby on the way! So my in-laws gave us their tree (one of the pluses of an artificial tree).
It was perfect.
This year Nathan really got the concept that the tree was the same one Daddy grew up with, so it has a lot of Christmas pasts under its branches! The funniest part is, every year David talks about how big he used to think the tree was...he was disappointed we didn't get 12 footer one year (the ceilings in our old house allowed for that kind of height). Nathan thinks the tree is huge and asked us "how old will I be when I can reach the top?" Don't rush it my little prince.

Family Shot...almost

Our socialite, Nathan, can't be bothered with things like family photos. There are "real people" to see. Besides, he sees us all the time.

Ali & Owen

Big "O" loves it when Mommy reads, "The night before Christmas." He's such an avid reader!

The Joke of the Day:

Try getting 20+ children, ranging in age from 8 weeks-4 years old, sitting politely (criss-cross applesauce please) and smiling at the same time. Then we'll sing Christmas carols as Santa Claus comes to town...

A Full House Complete with Santa:


The 1st Gift of Christmas

All the children are anxiously awaiting to see who will get the 1st gift of Christmas! B. Boy is very intrigued by this man in the red suit, sitting in his living room, but keeps a safe distance. Nathan on the other hand, has been awaiting his arrival and can't wait to get up there!

Santa Baby

The 1st gift goes to Brandon! But, present or no present, Brandon wanted nothing to do with Santa that up close and personal. So Mommy had to play liaison. Since I was there, I put in a few requests of my own..."some decorations bought at Tiffaneys:-)"

Bell of the Ball

Here she is...Miss Katherine. What a little lady! Therese and I have already predicted she will one day be my daughter-in-law. I don't care which one, so really, it's not arranged. She does have a choice:-)

A "two-for"

Wow, someone got a sibling shot with both kids happy to be there!

Mr. Patient

Nathan is doing such a good job of being patient (he was almost last in the gift line up). I think at this point, he was wondering if he was ever going to be called up to Santa's lap. We were so impressed and proud of how happy he was to see his friends be summoned by Santa and receive a great big gift! What a fine little gentleman and host!

Baby's 1st Christmas

Here she is...Miss Fiona. What a charmer, I have a feeling she's going to get whatever she wants:-) Now we just need little Matthew and Trevor, who I believe were nursing at this time... something Santa can't do!!

A Believer

He makes it onto Santa's lap and can't wait to send the paper flying...and that big gold bow! Our believer continues to earn his way into the hearts of many...
Now a few words from our sponsor (excerpt from an email Sharon sent, our good friend and babysitter extraordinaire) :
You probably have already been complimented a thousand times already but we have to say that we are stunned by Nathan's excellent ability to put puzzles together & recognize letters of the alphabet. It looks like he knows how to read and spell already! He's going to impress the teachers at his school next year. Wow, you guys have to share with us your secrets on teaching kids how to do all that at such an early age. But also, I believe your boys are naturally very intelligent. Brandon's range of vocabulary is incredible. His communication skills are so strong. It makes it that much easier and fun to hang out & take care of him.Your boys are certainly the best we've ever met. It was a pleasure sharing play time with them last night.

Chicken Limbo!!!

Let the good times role! It was worth the wait, Mr. Patient is well rewarded for his outstanding attitude! Plus, what a smile:-)

The Engineers

Putting the game together called for a skull session. Brandon has an idea that makes me think must be time for cake.